'“Woolworths is delighted to have been recognized as one of the top three performers in the medium impact category of the JSE’s SRI index,” said Simon Susman, Chief Executive Officer of Woolworths.  “Sustainability is an issue that Woolworths treats with respect and diligence in every aspect of our business,” comments Susman. “Whilst we are delighted with the recognition that we have received for our efforts to date, we know that there is still a long road to travel”.  In the journey towards sustainable development, Woolworths strives for economic prosperity and growth, whilst maintaining and, where relevant, encouraging ecological balance and social progress. The following guidelines are always kept in mind:
  • Our behaviour will demonstrate the respect we have for our shareholders, our employees, customers, suppliers and their employees, and the communities in which we operate.
  • We will work to use natural resources as efficiently as possible so as to minimise waste, and reduce our use of substances and activities that are harmful to people and the environment.
  • We care about the source of our products and we are increasingly sensitive to how, where and by whom our products are made, minimising the social and environmental impacts. 
  • We will continuously monitor our performance against internal benchmarks and against local and international best practice.
  • We will listen and understand the concerns, views and opinions of our stakeholders and the communities in which we operate and we will use this understanding to develop informed and confident policies.
Summing up Woolworths position on sustainability, Simon Susman said, “We continue to be convinced that the rewards of building a sustainable business far outweigh our substantial investment.”